import arcpy import os from arcpy import env import dbf # Set folder variables GDBfolder = r"C:/.../GDBs" GDBName = "GDBName.gdb" GDB = os.path.join(GDBfolder, GDBName) AISinputs = r"C:/.../InputFolder" AISoutputs = os.path.join(AISinputs, "outputs") # Set ArcGIS Project and Maps project_path = r"C:/.../Arc Project.aprx" p = m = p.listMaps("Layers - PANYNJ_AIS_Data")[0] # Create GDB arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(GDBfolder, GDBName) # Set workspace to AIS data folder arcpy.env.workspace = AISinputs tblList = arcpy.ListTables() print(tblList) # Import tables to GDB arcpy.conversion.TableToGeodatabase(Input_Table=tblList, Output_Geodatabase=GDB) print("Tables in Geodatabase") # Set workspace to file GDB arcpy.env.workspace = GDB env.overwriteOutput = True tableList = arcpy.ListTables() print(tableList) # Add Counties field for table in tableList:, "County", "TEXT") # Create XY layer and convert to GDB WGS84_PROJ = "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];IsHighPrecision" outPath = GDB for table in tableList: tableName = table + "_layer" arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(table, "Longitude", "Latitude", tableName, WGS84_PROJ, "#") arcpy.conversion.FeatureClassToShapefile(tableName, outPath) print('Created XY shapefile for ' + table) # Spatial Join - Terminals dataList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() print("Beginning Spatial Joins") for data in dataList: # Set variables for spatial join targetFeatures = data joinFeature = r"C:/...//PANYNJ_Terminals_CVI_Program_2016.shp" outFC = data + "_spatial_join" arcpy.analysis.SpatialJoin(target_features=targetFeatures, join_features=joinFeature, out_feature_class=outFC, join_operation="JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", join_type="KEEP_ALL", match_option="INTERSECT") # Join Terminal field from Spatial Join to XY layer joinTable = outFC field = "Location" field2 = "Terminal" rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(joinTable) if rows is None: print(joinTable + " File not processed. Does not visit Terminal") else: for row in rows: row.Terminal = row.Location rows.updateRow(row) joinField = "OBJECTID" lyrTemp = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(targetFeatures, "lyrTemp") lyrTempJoin = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(joinTable, "lyrTempJoin") outName = data + "_terminal" lyrJoin = arcpy.AddJoin_management(lyrTemp, joinField, lyrTempJoin, joinField) desc = arcpy.Describe(lyrJoin) fieldInfo = desc.fieldInfo index = 78 terminalField = fieldInfo.getFieldName(index) expression = f"!{terminalField}!" arcpy.CalculateField_management(lyrJoin, "Terminal", expression, "PYTHON") lyrFinish = arcpy.RemoveJoin_management(lyrJoin) newLyr = arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(lyrFinish, GDB, outName) # Run Spatial Join - County joinFeature = r"C:/...//CZMP_counties_2009/CZMP_counties_USACE_WGS84.shp" outFC = data + "_spatial_join" arcpy.analysis.SpatialJoin(target_features=targetFeatures, join_features=joinFeature, out_feature_class=outFC, join_operation="JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", join_type="KEEP_ALL", match_option="INTERSECT") # Join County field from Spatial Join to XY layer joinTable = outFC field = "CNTY" field2 = "County" rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(joinTable) if rows is None: print(joinTable + " File not processed. Does not visit County") else: for row in rows: row.County = row.NAME rows.updateRow(row) joinField = "OBJECTID" lyrTemp = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(targetFeatures, "lyrTemp") lyrTempJoin = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(joinTable, "lyrTempJoin") outName = data + "_county" lyrJoin = arcpy.AddJoin_management(lyrTemp, joinField, lyrTempJoin, joinField) desc = arcpy.Describe(lyrJoin) fieldInfo = desc.fieldInfo index = 88 countyField = fieldInfo.getFieldName(index) expression = f"!{countyField}!" arcpy.CalculateField_management(lyrJoin, "County", expression, "PYTHON") lyrFinish = arcpy.RemoveJoin_management(lyrJoin) newLyr = arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(lyrFinish, GDB, outName) # Use Select by Attribute and Calculate Field to mark a "Y" on XY layer when within each buffer shpLayer = data zones = { "Twenty_nm": r"C:/.../20.shp", "Fifteen_nm": r"C:/.../15.shp", "Ten_nm": r"C:/.../10.shp", "Five_nm": r"C:/.../5.shp", "AC": r"C:/.../water.shp", "Man": r"C:/.../harbor.shp" } arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(shpLayer, "temp_select_layer") for zone_name, zone_path in zones.items(): if zone_name == "Twenty_nm": arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("temp_select_layer", "WITHIN", zone_path) else: arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("temp_select_layer", "WITHIN", zone_path, "", "REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION") arcpy.CalculateField_management("temp_select_layer", zone_name, '"Y"', "PYTHON") exportTbl = f"import_ais_gis_{data[11:20]}_202304_011924.dbf" # ADJUST DATE PROCESSED exportFolder = AISoutputs arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(shpLayer, exportFolder, exportTbl) print(data + " Spatial Join complete") del row, rows, p print("All Spatial Joins Complete!") # Set workspace to Output Folder arcpy.env.workspace = AISoutputs os.chdir(AISoutputs) tableList = arcpy.ListTables("*.dbf") print(tableList) # Convert DBF to TAB file for table_name in tableList: with dbf.Table(table_name, codepage='utf8', default_data_types='enhanced') as table: dbf.export(table, format="tab") print("Output complete! Adding carriage return and converting to txt") # Add carriage return and convert to txt for filename in os.listdir(AISoutputs): if filename.endswith('.tab'): outfilename = filename.replace('.tab', '.txt') with open(os.path.join(AISoutputs, filename), 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as in_file, open(os.path.join(AISoutputs, outfilename), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as out_file: for line in in_file: out_file.write(line.replace("\n\n", "\r\n"))